As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, more professionals are turning to higher education to bolster their chances of landing their dream jobs. This has made the Master of Business Administration qualification increasingly popular.

But is an MBA enough to guarantee you that dream job – or any job, come to that?  


  • What is an MBA?
  • Is an MBA enough to get a job?
  • Factors to consider alongside your MBA degree
  • The only constant is change – so keep up!
  • The importance of networking during and after your MBA programme
  • The halo effect
  • Showcase your accomplishments 
  • The bottom line for MBA graduates

What is an MBA?

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme is an advanced degree that provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in business. While MBA programmes are designed to challenge students, pushing them to their limits – emulating life at the top in business, if you will (and which not everyone survives) – with hard work, dedication, and the proper support, most students are capable of earning an MBA. 

The degree can undoubtedly open doors and provide valuable skills and knowledge in finance, marketing, and management. However, while it will prove you have specific skills and knowledge, it will not guarantee a job. To secure a job you need experience, a strong resume, and a good network to lean on in addition to your MBA degree. 

You also need to consider the industry or industries in which you have experience. Is that experience relevant in the sector you want to work in? Most employers want to know whether you have the experience to accomplish what they require. 

Factors to consider alongside your MBA degree

In some cases, employers may prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree and several years of experience over someone with an MBA degree but no relevant work history. 

The sector you want to work in also matters. Some industries, such as finance and consulting, put great store in MBA degrees and require them for certain posts. In others, like technology or healthcare, technical skills or certification may be more important.

So while your MBA will equip you with theoretical knowledge, hands-on experience in industry is equally important. If you don’t have experience in the field you want to work in, think about taking up an internship or part-time job in that field while pursuing your studies.

The only constant is change – so keep up!

Bear in mind also that the job market evolves constantly. What was in demand yesterday may be irrelevant today. You will have to keep reading in your fields of interest to keep up.

The importance of networking during and after your MBA programme

Keep building the relationships that flow from your programme’s networking opportunities and expand your network outside the classroom. Attending industry events, joining professional organisations, and reaching out to alumni are all useful to build your network and your chances of finding a job.

Master of Business Administration

The halo effect

The reputation of the institution from which you obtain your MBA also matters. Recruiters tend to favour graduates from top-ranked business schools. 

Showcase your accomplishments 

Finally, it’s crucial to have a strong resume and cover letter that highlight your skills and experience. While an MBA degree can be an impressive credential to include on your resume, you must also showcase relevant work experience and any other skills and qualifications you have. 

The bottom line for MBA graduates

An MBA degree can be a valuable asset to secure a job, but it is not the only factor that counts. Relevant experience, skills, networking, a strong resume, and the reputation of your MBA school are all important. Keep up with the constant change in your field and in the job market. Stay informed and adaptable, and harness all available resources to improve your chance of finding the right job.

Meantime, advance your career with the Regenesys MBA programme and equip yourself for success in a rapidly changing global business environment.

For more details and career guidance, visit our website at Regenesys Business School, Nigeria.

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MSc, BSc Content Writer | Regenesys Business School Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Shekhar notched up a decade in ed-tech companies, writing biology-focused material. Content writing allows her to indulge her parallel interest in writing blogs, as well as for social media and education websites.


MSc, BSc Content Writer | Regenesys Business School Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Shekhar notched up a decade in ed-tech companies, writing biology-focused material. Content writing allows her to indulge her parallel interest in writing blogs, as well as for social media and education websites.

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